GospelFit #THANKSgivingDiet Day 17 ~ Prayers Bringing Peace

How do you apply the scripture in Ephesians 6:12 where Paul tells the church “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”? Here’s how I try to apply the scripture in my every day life…Can We Talk?!

One word that is not in my vocabulary is haters. I know most people think that it is cool to talk about their haters, those people who don’t like them and who might seek their demise. Listen, I’m not naive enough to believe that everyone that I encounter loves me. Even though I am quite lovable. Just ask Jesus!

What I also understand from the scripture is my fight is not with that person or those people. Satan might be using them as a tool to get me distracted or off course. If Satan cannot destroy you, he will distract you. The people attempting to torment me may be going through something in their own lives that has nothing to do with me. I just might be collateral damage.

How do you handle haters? I don’t. I focus less on people who dislike me and more on people who love and support. That way, I don’t have time to worry about and wonder what so-called haters are doing. The Bible says, that no weapon formed against you will prosper. Take note, it does not say that a weapon will never be formed, it says that formed weapon will not prosper. Focus your time and attention on those who love you and want your best good. Pray for everyone else.

Joy shares her struggle and God’s answer to handling people who might dislike us and even torment us. In obedience, pray and watch the Lord change your heart about the situation and the person. He will allow you to see the situation clearly for what it really is…warfare.

Here is Joy’s PEACE! http://joysblog.gospelfit.com/2012/11/17/gospelfit-thanksgiving-diet-challenge-day-17–prayers-bringing-peace.aspx

IT’S IN YOU…PART 2 Guest Blogger Day 27

Our guest blogger today is Minister Ron Marshall. He’s back with another installment of his favorite slogan of encouragement. It’s more than just a slogan, it’s about commitment and discipline. It’s a way of life! IT’S IN YOU. It’s already in you. Everything you need to tap into the power to stay fit and healthy. Most days we believe we can do it. Most days we run circles around Satan and his attempts to defeat us. On those days when we struggle and on those days when we can’t find our sweet spot Minister Ron offers us encouragement to press forward. Can We Talk?! 

Discipline in a long distance race, the race does not always go to the swift or the strong, the horse that runs fast does not run long. Hebrews 12:1-2, tells us… Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith… 

So here we are…the last week of our challenge. We have arrived, but the journey is far from over! I know we are tired and we feel that this maybe the best that we can do. We say, I can’t look any finer or be any healthier. But taking care of this temple that we have been blessed with is a never-ending race. Don’t be so content with your health! You may ask how can I keep going? What would make me stay in this race? Where can I find the strength to go on? Look to Jesus! 

Max Lucado asked us in his book, “Facing Your Giants” these questions…Do you ponder God’s grace 4 times as much as you ponder your guilt? Is your list of blessing 4 times as long as your list of complaints? Is your mental file of hope 4 times as thick as your mental file of dread? Are you 4 times as likely to describe the strength of God as you are the demands of your day? Answering yes to these questions is where you find your strength to fight another day.

It’s In You…just call on the Holy Spirit that lies within you and you can continue to run the race for better health. You are not alone…everyone gets tired, gets overwhelmed or gets content. But if the Lord allows you to wake up the next day, then you need to get back into the race for a fitter, finer, healthier you!

It’s In You!

Connect with Minister Ron

Ronald Marshall is the of owner of The One Training, LLC. His ministry, It’s In You at Hope Church Pearland  provides weekly fitness classes for children and adults. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Its-In-You-Ministry/246076755472815

You can find Hope Church Pearland on FB http://www.facebook.com/HopeChurchPearland and on the web http://www.harvestofpraiseexalted.org/


Here’s what one of our readers and FB community members sent via email. This is her 30 day challenge plan. Not only did she put it in writing, she told somebody so that she could be held accountable.  I hope this provides inspiration and support for you as you journey. You are not alone! Can We Talk?!

First, Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plans that He has for us. We know those plans are to prosper us, not harm us, and to give us a future and a hope. Then we have like minded brothers and sisters who can walk us, pray with us, and hold us accountable.

Have you written out your plan and goals for the next 30 days and beyond?

Dear Aqua

My 30 day challenge

Increase my exercise to 20 minutes of cardio 6 days a week in addition to my workout regimen…
Monday- legs & butt
Friday-arms & abs

Net calories of 1500/day (adjusting according to workout)
Keeping a consistent food diary on myfitnesspal.com

Eating 3 meals and 3 healthy snacks
Add 2 fruit & 2 vegetables/day
No fast food, fried foods or soda

Sweets- 100 calories or less

Studying the book of Galatians & studying grace

20 minute morning devotion/day

Thanks Shine

Dear Shine

You rock killer! Let’s do this. We are more than the food we eat. We are not defined by how much we weigh. We want to get our physical body & spiritual body in order so that we can do God’s work! I love your study time in the Word…and grace? Come on! My favorite subject in the Word and the very foundation of our faith! Praying for and with you. Let me know if I can do anything else to help you MOVE! You are motivating ME right now!

I pray that everyone had a great start to the challenge. You can ask questions, send comments, or send your plan to dearaqua4histemple@gmail.com. You can also go to the facebook page  http://www.facebook.com/pages/4-His-Temple/221882177869882 post pics and ask questions on the wall. Our friend Gill over at Fitnessbuster on FB would be glad to answer questions you have during the next 30 days http://www.facebook.com/GillianStephenfitness?ref=ts

30 Day Challenge June 1-June 30, 2012

Hello all!
Yes, it’s that time again! Our 30 Day Challenge will begin June 1. I know that you have been waiting for this! I know that I have!! You have been promising yourself that THIS is the month that you will get back on track. THIS is the month that you would START exercising and eating better. THIS is the week that you would eliminate fast food, fried food, calorie laden drinks, and sweets from your diet. THIS is the week that you would kick your present stale workout routine into high gear. THIS time, I’ll make a lifestyle change!
Well here is your chance to do just that with a group of people who can support and encourage you along the way. Find 4 His Temple on Facebook,  http://www.facebook.com/pages/4-His-Temple/221882177869882
follow the blog https://4histemple.wordpress.com/ and follow me on twitter. https://twitter.com/#!/Favored1Aqua. We’d love for you to share your plan, successes, and struggles on FB and twitter. Share photos and encouragement for the community. You could be featured on the blog.
The challenge is personal. Right now start praying about how you will approach the challenge. You can join a boot camp or a cross fit class. Workout 6 days a week. Do 2 a days (2 workouts per day). Walk around your local track or your neighborhood. Count your calories. Track your calories. Prepare food at home instead of eating out. Do a Daniel fast. Get yourself an accountability partner. There are so many options. WHATEVER you do, make sure that it includes BOTH exercise and dietary changes AND prayer.
June 1st is just the beginning of what God has in store for you as you commit these 30 days to Him for renewal! Who doesn’t need and want a renewal? A refreshing? A brand new start? God specializes in fresh starts!!
Can’t wait to hear your testimonies! Whose ready for a change? Remember…to make any change, we have to first change our minds! Let’s go!

Stay on the Path

Nearly everyday on my evening cardio walks in my neighborhood I encounter this cute older couple. We smile, wave, and I mouth hello because I am wearing headphones, I’m not sure what their saying to me. One day as we meet, I am prepared for the regular routine…a smile, a wave, and a semi- silent hello. But something is different this time. This time they are trying to get my attention. This time they are trying to stop me.

I pull my earpiece out of my ear and they frantically in unison ask me..”which way are you going?” As I stand there with a puzzled look on my face they say in unison again “stay on the path”, as if they had discussed and planned what they would say to the next passerby. Now I can imagine them warning everyone they encountered in this way. The man says “we just saw two copperheads but you will be alright if you stay on the path”. Snakes on the walking trail, huh? I must admit that I was a little frightened to continue my walk, but I believed that the couple wouldn’t steer me wrong and I would be alright if I listened and stayed on the path. I SURE hope you already know where I’m going with this! Can We Talk?!

When we stay on the path God set before us EVERYTHING is going to work out for our good. Everything won’t be roses and sunshine, I would be leading you astray if I told you that you won’t have trouble on the path. What I will tell you is this: When trouble comes God is our ever present help (Psalm 46:1). He promises never to leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). What is on the path is much more satisfying than going off road. You will be tempted to leave the path, don’t!! Protection and provision are on the path. Wisdom and instruction are on the path.

After Jesus’ death and resurrection He instructed the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The disciples decided to stray from that path. They went fishing in Galilee. When Jesus called some of the disciples, they were indeed fishermen. The disciples decided to go back to what they were comfortable doing prior to meeting Jesus, back to the familiar. Remember Jesus tells these disciples that He would make them fishers of men, not fisherman. Fishing was a skill they already possessed.

God is trying to do a new thing in us, but we have to decide to stay on the path set before us to receive the new. What path has God set before you? Finishing a degree, getting your health back through diet and exercise, starting a ministry or a business, living a righteous life, or living a single celibate pure life that honors Him. Stay on the path. It won’t always be easy, it won’t always feel good or right. Obedience to God has a way of causing the flesh to rise up in revolt. But Jesus is present on the path to lead, guide, protect, dry tears, and comfort hearts. He will strengthen and empower you in times of darkness, silence, and uncertainty.

As we continue this faith walk to healthy living we have to stay on the path. Many of us did not grow up with fruits and vegetables as our main source of nutrition. We didn’t learn calorie tracking and portion control. And regular exercise, forget about it! On this journey there will be times you want to quit, going back to the familiar. You will want to eat something that intellectually you know is not good for you. You’ll want to smoke one last cigarette, drink another soda, or ditch that exercise class. Stay on the path. There are many more pitfalls off road than on the path.

The disciples got off course but once they encountered Jesus they quickly got back on track. They knew that returning to their old lifestyles was not the newness that Jesus had called them to as followers. Fishing may have helped them make a living and filled their bellies, but fishing was not going to further the Kingdom of God and this was their assignment.

After walking several hundred yards past my neighbors I completely forget about the snakes that were off the path. I was on the path focused on what was available to me there and I knew I was safe. Are you off course? What do you need to get back on the path God has set before you? How can your path and your testimony be used to advance the Kingdom?

Your body is the temple of the Living God! Live Well in His Name!
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