Fasting and Prayer

The Word of God tells us that it was for the sake of freedom that Christ set us free. That’s powerful Good News! God doesn’t want us to bound by anyone or anything. He sent Jesus to break the chains of sin and bondage. Can We Talk?!

Fasting is a powerful tool in the Christians arsenal for breaking strongholds and breaking yolks. Fasting is an opportunity to walk closer to Lord, an opportunity for renewal and refreshing. The power of any fast is in the setting apart, the disciplining, and the consecrating ourselves to focus on Him (Gregory, 2010).

Many Christians are discovering the benefits of fasting and prayer. Remember fasting without prayer is just a diet. As believers learn more about the power of fasting and prayer, questions sometimes arise.  Here is question sent to me a few weeks ago.

Dear Aqua

I have a question for you regarding fasting. I have some areas of concern that I need to pray and fast over. I have decided to give up sweets and reality TV shows. Those two areas are my weaknesses. It is surely a sacrifice to give them up. The shows occupy so much of my time. Anyway, that’s why I thought it would be a great sacrifice along with my other weakness, sweets. My question is: Is it ok to DVR the shows and watch them after the 21 days?

Dear Fasting for Freedom

That’s great! Of course you could….BUT. You knew there would be a but, right. If you want to change that behavior (watching and wasting time on reality TV) then you would not want to record them and go back to them after the fast. You would want to replace the time spent watching reality with other activities. Add leaving reality TV in the dust to your prayers during the fast. Pray that when the fast is over you have no desire for it. The Word tells us to hold on to what we have attained. If you attain your freedom from the hold of reality TV during the fast, why go back? When we fast with Hope I always look for some habit, behavior, attitude I can get rid of forever. Let me know when you start fasting. I hope this helps. Also, I would like to invite you to fast during Lent. A 40 day Daniel fast with our new ministry TriSistah412. Pray about it. More details coming.                                  

I’ll be praying for you. Love you.

You can send questions to