This Place ~ A Critical Soul’s Review

Have you ever read a really bad restaurant review and went to the restaurant to eat anyway? Only to find that the reviewer was spot on in terms of the review. Of course you have, we all have. Why is it that when we hear about places that have gotten bad reviews we feel the urge to go anyway and try it for ourselves? Can We Talk?!

Throughout my pre-teens and teenage years my mother tried to impart adult wisdom on me. She would tell me the horrors of drinking, smoking, being promiscuous, and the like and I would tell her, “I’m not you, I have to experience it for myself”, somehow thinking that I would escape or fair better with the consequences.

Well, was I ever wrong, just like the food critic warning us to stay away from a restaurant that was sub par in service or food preparation, my mom was on to something. If I would have listened to her and relied on her testimony of heartaches, heart breaks, and the consequences of sin, I could have saved myself I lot of time, money, joy, pain, effort, energy, and grief! You probably could add your own list here of what you could have saved if you had listened to those who walked the way before you.

Afterall, if I came running out of a building and told you it was on fire, but you could not see the smoke and flames from outside, would you trust me? Or would you go into the building to check out the fire for yourself? I know some of you got lost right there thinking about that question. Stay with me, would you?!

So I got to thinking, about THIS PLACE that I could review. My hope is that I could keep you from going there. And if you have been there or you are there now, I pray that you would leave and never go back.

What if I told you about THIS PLACE where rebellion and disobedience are the order of the day and having it all my way, was the only thing that mattered…would you go? Yes my way, but at what cost? 

Satan is the maitre d’ assigned to meet you, greet you, and beat you in THIS PLACE. Here, there are no rules, no limits, and no dress code. Here, I was queen of my own pain. My own god. Here, I deceived and was being deceived. Here, I was in control of my own destiny with nothing to lose and nothing to gain.

THIS PLACE serves up entrees of anger, rage, worry, and discontent with a side of ugliness, criticism, and regret. Maybe you’ve passed THIS PLACE and wondered what’s inside. The outside scantily clad, bathed in seduction, and pride.

In THIS PLACE sickness, disease, and addiction have no hope for cure. Would you still want to go and experience THIS PLACE or could I stop you by telling you the horrors that await? 

If I told you about THIS PLACE where loneliness has no end. Where sin gives way to death and death gives way to eternal hell. Is THIS PLACE somewhere you’re still interested in? 

THIS PLACE is a life without Jesus Christ. Hell on earth is how it’s been described. You don’t have to go there, you don’t have to be there, and you don’t have to stay there. Receive Him. Surrender. No reservations required.

John 14:2 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

2There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I wouldn’t tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you.