GospelFit THANKSgiving Diet

For the month of Thanksgiving, Joy of GospelFit asked Gill, of Fitnessbuster and me to join her in a THANKSgiving Diet challenge. I know what you’re thinking, “a Thanksgiving challenge? We can’t take on a health challenge during Thanksgiving, not when turkey and all the trimmings is all I’ve been thinking about since fall officially began”. Wait, before you go there, this challenge is unlike any other challenge you’ve ever taken. This challenge is more about your spiritual health than your physical health. Can We Talk?!

In our relationship with God we have so much for which to be thankful. Some of us find it difficult to express thankfulness. Maybe because we were not taught to express gratitude or maybe because life is so hard sometimes that we just can’t see how to be grateful for the hand we were dealt.

Gratitude is defined as thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation, a feeling or an attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. “Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress” (TheChangeBlog.com).

In a study on gratitude and well-being, participants in a gratitude group experienced less depression and stress, were more likely to help others, exercised more regularly, and made greater progress toward achieving personal goals (McCollough & Emmons). Daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism, and energy (McCollough & Emmons). These are just some of the benefits of a grateful heart.

We want to have an attitude of gratitude not just at Thanksgiving be we want to possess and model that quality throughout our life with God and with others.

So here is where the THANKSGiving Diet comes in. We want to challenge you to be thankful for 21 days. We want to encourage you not just to acknowledge what you are thankful for these days, but we want you to express that thankfulness by meditating on the scripture and writing your thoughts each day. Your writing does not have to be long. Some days you will jot down 3 things you are grateful for and some days you will write longer as you are inspired by the Holy Spirit. This challenge is designed to help you change your attitude and have a healthy positive outlook on life.

We will start this challenge November 1 and go through November 21.  Each day we will provide you a scripture to meditate on and help you generate and journal about 3 things in your life for which you can give thanks.

We will send you daily encouragement and thoughts to help you along your 21 day journey. Take this journey with us. You’ll be so glad you did.


You will receive the scriptures for the 21 day diet. You can receive them on Facebook in the notes sections of our pages and in the event created in Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/events/440288769341741/




Start November 1 and end November 21. You can do the challenge for 21 more days in December.

Each day meditate on 1 scripture per day and write down 3 things that you are grateful for that day.

Helpful Hints:

Set a calendar reminder and spend time with the Lord every day at the same time.

Don’t be discouraged if you miss a day. Just read 2 scriptures the next day.

Ask someone to join you on the THANKSGiving Diet. Use the Facebook event to invite friends and family

If you use social media, post the scripture and share on your own page or in the event page your thoughts and attitude for the day as you are lead. Tweet about your experience. Use the hashtag #ThanksgivingDiet

Contact Us:





Are you ready? Let’s get started!