Another Night With The Frogs?

Only thirty more days left in this year. Did I just say that? This season is always an exciting time for us to reflect on the birth of our Savior and to think about the prospect of a fresh start. Yes, a new year. A clean slate. A do-over. Time to get some things right and time to let go of the regrets of the past. I’m little puzzled by that. Why do we feel like we HAVE TO wait until the new year to start making changes that could impact our lives forever? Why do we have to wait for the new year to start working on goals, dreams, and visions to improve ourselves? To save our lives? Can We Talk?!

frogsIn Exodus 8, God releases the second plague in the land of Egypt. The frogs. Frogs, frogs everywhere! Pharaoh asked Moses and Aaron to pray to God and have the frogs removed from the land. Moses asked Pharaoh WHEN do you want me to submit this petition. Pharaoh said “Tomorrow”. I’m not kidding you. That is in the Word of God.

Tomorrow? You mean to tell me that you have enough belief in God to ask me to ask Him to stop the plague, but you’d be willing to spend another night with the frogs rather than to have me to ask Him to do it today? That’s exactly what we do when we wait for the new year to make changes. We’d rather spend 30 more days unhealthy, 30 more days with our addiction, 30 more days with our pain, 30 more days with our unforgiveness, and 30 more days in our sin than to ask God to heal us now and begin the journey to wellness today.

Sure, most of us might not be like Pharaoh, we would at least pray the prayer today. But what we wouldn’t do is put our necessary action with God’s power to make that prayer begin to manifest in our lives today. Whenever we ask God for change, He is going to require some change on our part too, before we see the evidence of that change. What can you start doing today that will impact the next 30 days? Don’t wait.

What’s plaguing you? Listen, you don’t have to spend the next 30 days planning how your life will be better in 2013.  You don’t have to spend one more night with the frogs.

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