GospelFit #THANKSgivingDiet Day 19 ~ Set Free

So many people think that being a believer means that we don’t have freedom. They might say something like “I don’t want to be like you, because you are not free to do whatever you want, whenever you want to and you can’t even think for yourself”. I know this statement because I used to say it to people who declared their faith to me. The funny part was or maybe the sad part, I had accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was younger, but never learned how to live that faith out loud and walk it out with conviction. Can We Talk?!

Sure, there are things that I don’t do, places I don’t go, and people I don’t see. But nobody can tell me that I don’t have freedom. I can do whatever I want, I choose not to. The Word says that it was for freedom’s sake that Christ set us free.

We have freedom to choose as believers. We can choose to submit and surrender to the sins of the flesh or we can choose a love relationship with Jesus Christ. His love frees us from the bondage of sin. We are no longer under the dominion of sin. We are not SINLESS, but we SIN LESS. Because of God’s great love our desire is to live our lives pursing obedience for His glory and joy! Talk about freedom.

Read Joy’s posts today about our freedom in Christ and walk in your freedom today!


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